Thursday, August 2, 2007

From Today's News, Aug. 2, 2007:

In the wake of the dramatic bridge collapse in Minneapolis today, President Bush has said that the federal government would help ensure the rebuilding of the bridge. This is a first for Bush. As we've seen with Congress and in Europe, he usually burns bridges.

In an amazing story, a man in a low conscious state since 1999 has started to speak following an experimental procedure to stimulate his brain with electrodes. See, in my cynicism, when I read the headline, "Man spoke for the first time in 8 years," I assumed he was just married.

In Australia, a 94-year-old woman just became the world's oldest person to earn a Masters degree. Her postgraduate work followed her anthropology studies, where she had an unfair advantage over other students by having personally known the people being studied.

She began her postgraduate program at the age of 90. People ask how did she do it. Isn't it obvious? Athletic scholarship.

Her Masters is in Medical Science. It's strange to think that if she had begun her medical studies as a young woman, the only supplies she would have had to buy in order to graduate were some leeches and a saw.

Let's face it, 94 is old. She was the only student who referred to her left hip as her spring break.

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