Wednesday, May 20, 2009

“Poison (Gas) Control”

After a years-long stalemate, the federal government, the state of California, and U.S. automakers agreed to a deal to cut auto emissions 30% by 2016. GM and Chrysler, on the verge of collapse anyway, also promised to give everybody in America a free puppy.

Democrats praised President Obama who had a large role in taking these steps against greenhouse gases. Rep. Edward Markey of Massachusetts said, the president “has solved the energy… policy equivalent of a Rubik’s Cube,” meaning a 10 year old should have been able to come to the solution in about 3 minutes – in 1983.

Right before President Obama announced a new emissions and fuel-economy agreement with American automakers, Ford almost pulled out of the deal after computing their costs. Fortunately, the White House got them to crunch the numbers again, but with an electric calculator instead of one powered by foreign oil.

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