Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“Certificate of Authenticity”

President Obama released the longer form birth certificate from Hawaii Wednesday, to put an end to what he called a “sideshow” distraction.  Donald Trump immediately spoke out, saying, “Fine, Obama was born in Hawaii.  But you can’t prove that Hawaii is part of the United States.”

The information of the signed, long form birth certificate finally and definitively confirms his birthplace, birth date, and socialist/Muslim birth conspiracy.

Now that the “birther” issue has finally been laid to rest, Donald Trump can finally move on to talk about another, fake, made-up issue.

Though Obama has released his birth certificate to quiet the claims of Donald Trump, among others, some Americans still won’t believe Obama until he stars in his own Apprentice-style reality show.

Of course, now that he has proof on paper that he was born in the USA, Obama is being sued for copyright infringement by Bruce Springstein.

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