Thursday, December 11, 2008

$mileys Aren't Free

A Russian businessman has attempted to trademark the semicolon-hyphen-right-parentheses that form the sideways, winking smiley-face commonly used in email and text messages, in the hopes of collecting massive royalties from licensing fees. Anyone looking sideways at the smiley should sue the symbol’s “owner” for neck strain.

The corporate response to avoid paying the royalty has been to make sure no employees have any reason to wink or smile.

This could be a real crisis for worldwide youth, who may have to learn the use of such marks for actual sentence punctuation. OMG!


Ilan The Portlander Rebbe said...
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Ilan The Portlander Rebbe said...

If it exists, someone will find a way to market it. For example.

Also, on a somwhat related note, Can I have like $900?