Thursday, July 2, 2009

“Hardly Working”

Employment hit a 26-year high this week, at 9.5%. On the plus side, if your mortgage has been foreclosed and you have 10 friends, chances are, 1 of them can’t use a job excuse to get out of helping you move.

The only industry that’s hiring is Somali pirates.

Prestigious universities are trying to prepare their students for the real world. You can now major in “Hobo.”
-What’s even worse? They help graduates with job placement in that field.

The economy is bad. Remember the 80’s band, Men at Work? They’re out of work.

One way companies are trying to save money by going paperless, so instead of printing checks for payroll, they just fire everybody.

If you’re applying for jobs, remember that when listing previous job experience, it won’t help you to include “panhandling.”

A lot of single moms are seeking more education to be able to make more money. Look in your local classifieds under “pole dancing classes.”

Of recent college graduates, the lucky few who have been able to get hired all have the same question: “Do you want fries with that?”

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