Friday, June 4, 2010

News Potpourri

A new study shows that the use of cocaine can rot a person's skin. In a related story, there is nothing left of Amy Winehouse but tattoos and a beehive.

"Golden Girls" star Rue McClanahan died Thursday at age 76. Sadly, all the attention on Rue has turned Betty White into a total bitch.

On Thursday, the LAPD announced that all superhero-costumed panhandlers on Hollywood Boulevard must move to a new location or face arrest. The panhandlers will foil the cops' plan by donning eyeglasses so no one recognizes them.

Plans were announced this week for a Michael Jackson museum to be built in his hometown of Gary Indiana at a cost of $300 million. $40 million of that will be paid to you if you let your young son stay overnight.

This week, filmmaker and submersible designer James Cameron announced that British Petroleum had rejected his offer to help stop the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BP, whose spill has done unimaginable damage to the Gulf’s indigenous life, has also started calling oil "unobtainium."

A McDonald’s commercial in France depicting a young gay customer has caused a stir. Supporters are just proud that Grimace finally came out.

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