Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Bieber Baby Claim Bounced"

Mariah Yeater, the woman who claimed that Justin Bieber was the father of her baby, dropped her paternity suit last week, after Bieber denied the claims, volunteered to take a DNA test, and had his lawyers preparing a lawsuit against her.  But what really got her to drop the suit was when it came out  that Justin Bieber is a girl.

Her only evidence was that she’d named the alleged love-child after Bieber.  She calls the baby Big Money.

You know, to make her claim more believable, she should at least have waited for Justin to hit puberty.

When the story broke, Bieber immediately denied knowing the woman, and his comment was, “I’ll always be a target, but I’ll never be a victim.”  Justin, that’s not entirely true.  You won’t have to worry about being a target five years from now, when you’ll be a forgotten has-been.

At that point, you’re comeback options will be to either star in a reality show, or to actually impregnate a current pop star.

If you go on a television interview claiming that you’re baby is Justin Bieber’s, but then quickly drop that claim, you have to go back on television, just to be ridiculed.  It will be good practice for when you go back on TV soon after, to find out the real baby daddy on Maury Povich.

Or, if you’re going to falsely claim that a celebrity fathered your baby, you at least have to do the proper preparation.  Research the celebrity.  Like, in the case of Justin Bieber, interview his pediatrician to make sure the kid’s got a penis.  Get a Bieber wig and sneakers for the baby to wear in front of the paparazzi.  It won’t fool anyone, but you’ll actually get better press if the media thinks you’re crazy instead of an lying gold-digger.

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