Wednesday, May 2, 2012

“Dark Day” or “Orange You Sorry?”

A New Jersey mother was arrested for child endangerment for allegedly bringing her young daughter to a tanning salon, which is illegal in New Jersey for children under 14. Over 14, it becomes mandatory.

The mother tans excessively herself, but her lawyer says the charges are racially motivated and the woman is simply being harassed for being an Umpa-Lumpa.

If convicted, the mother is going to fry.  If she gets off she’ll fry, too.  She tans that much.

The woman plans to fight the charges, is willing to go to Congress and wants to get John Boehner involved.  And if he’s not available, she at least wants his tan.

Another report of a little girl in New Jersey tanned to a point of cruelty surfaced, but it turns out it was only Snooki.

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