Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Fearless Fall"

Daredevil “Fearless Felix” Baumgartner broke skydiving world records Sunday, jumping from a giant balloon 24 miles up, then free-falling to speeds over 800 miles per hour.  That’s what you have to resort to when your airline has blackout days for your frequent-flyer-miles.

Felix was free-falling for over 4 straight minutes, and for part of that he was spinning completely out of control.  This means that he’s now qualified to make a comeback next year as a judge on The X Factor.

He traveled faster than the speed of sound, which was his whole objective.   Not just to be the first person to do it without a vehicle or craft, but to be able to blame the sounds of panicked screaming on a guy he claims was a thousand feet behind him.

He fell 24 Miles straight down.  Men are impressed by this.  Women are convinced he’d have landed faster if he’d stopped and asked for directions.

The entire stunt was sponsored by Red Bull, which is surprising, because they didn't give him wings.

Some spectators said the whole idea of a man risking his life for a little fame left a bad taste in their mouths.  And there’s your tie-in with Red Bull.

Because Red Bull orchestrated everything, Felix was expected to get to a high very quickly, but then crash hard and burn out.

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