Friday, December 3, 2010


A couple in Mexico got married at a McDonald's. They have a fabulous honeymoon planned: going down McDonald-Land slide into the ball pit.

It was a beautiful affair until the Hamburglar stole the wedding cake.

At the ceremony, the couple was surrounded by their Best Mac and Maid-O'-Honor.

The officient asked if the bride took the groom to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for here or to go.

The guests didn’t mind the less formal reception, but they didn’t like having to dump their own tray.

I don’t want to say the engagement ring was fake, but it came out of a Happy Meal box, in plastic packaging labeled, “Not intended for children under 3.”

The couple had a 5-layer wedding cake. Three layers of bread and 2 all-beef patties.

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