Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“Holy Whole Grain!”

A tractor-trailer carrying breakfast cereal crashed into a tow truck on the Ohio Turnpike about 2am Monday morning after the driver may have fallen asleep.  At least when he woke up, he had breakfast waiting for him.

The truck fell over on its side, emphasizing the importance of having a well balanced breakfast.

Everyone around saw the truck that caused the accident, but no one got the cereal number.

The driver’s injuries were not too serious, but was lucky to escape with his Life.  And Cinnamon Life.

The truck had seatbelts and airbags, plus it was fortified with 8 vitamins and minerals.

A military investigation is being led my General Mills.

The truck didn’t seem to be completely full, but it was packed by weight, not volume.

The driver will be able to get a new truck as soon as he saves up enough box tops.

On the plus side, when the trailer broke open, there was a free prize inside.

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