Wednesday, July 21, 2010

“Monkey Business”

A man trying to smuggle 18 tiny titi monkeys was detained at a Mexican airport. The police had become suspicious when they heard 18 pairs of tiny clapping cymbals.

The man had begun acting nervous when a passerby had asked, “Is that a banana in your pocket…?”

The monkeys themselves are from South America, and would have been safe from arrest as long as they didn’t go to Arizona.

The man had been traveling with the titi monkeys with only two worries: that he might get caught, or that the monkeys might start flinging their own poo.

Titi monkeys are endangered, especially if you stuff 18 of them in your shirt.

The police did a fine job, but may face sexual harassment charges for having said, “Pull up your shirt and show us your titis.”

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