Monday, August 30, 2010

“Las Vegas, Hilton”

A police report released Monday says that Paris Hilton was arrested late Friday night on cocaine possession charges, but denied that the cocaine was hers and said that the purse she was carrying belonged to a friend. She then asked the police officer where her “friend” could get more cocaine.

After officially entering her claim into the police report that the purse with all her belongings in it was not hers, she further claimed that her dog ate her homework.

Paris had asked the officer if they could move off the street into the hotel because she was embarrassed by people looking at her and taking pictures, for which she obviously should have been charged with lying to a police officer.

When the small container of cocaine was found, Paris told the police she had thought it was gum, which explains her attempt to blow bubbles by first sucking it up through her nose.

Paris failed a field sobriety test, in which she was asked to make any contribution whatsoever to society in the past 29 years.

Paris may have tried to conceal evidence including the cocaine, the purse it was found in, her nightclub-mogul boyfriend, and his Escalade SUV in which they had been riding, all in her vagina.

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