Thursday, August 5, 2010

“The Mouse Wants a Bigger Slice of Cheese”
Disney parks raised its ticket prices effective ZThursday, from $79 to $82 for an adult day pass in Orlando, and from $72 to $76 in Anaheim. Considering the recession and the drop in tourism and travel, experts conclude that like many Hollywood stars, Mickey Mouse must have developed a cocaine habit.

Because of the prices, the use of the phrase “The Happiest Place on Earth” will be restricted to Disneyland and Walt Disney World executives.

Apparently, recent shifts in management have left the park in the hands of Donald Duck’s greedy Uncle Scrooge.

A Disney rep explains that they had no choice but to raise prices because Cinderella’s castle was mortgaged on an ARM and the rate just adjusted up.

Hey, they gotta do something to offset bombs like The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

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