Tuesday, March 1, 2011

“Charlie and the Debacle-ate Factory”


This blog has had no new entries since February 18, a week and a half ago. Not wanting to waste an opportunity, nor disappoint all our show-business-obsessed fans, we took a purposeful hiatus to prepare for Hollywood’s biggest event of the year, in order to be able to cover the highs and lows. So our studio went dark in order to prepare, get behind the scenes, and come back with this astounding report on everything that was seen on and around the red carpets. Of course I am talking about Charlie Sheen. You thought I meant the 83rd Academy Awards? Who cares about that when you’ve got Charlie?

The “red carpets?” I was referring to the inside of Charlie’s eyelids.

Forget about the Oscars. If you want to hear all about winners and losers, you want to hear about Charlie Sheen – winner – and the people who have to clean up his hotel rooms – losers.

Now the latest is that Charlie is at war with CBS. Although, the network is trying lure him back by changing the title of his show to Two and a Half Kilos.

He’s television’s highest paid actor. He’s also television’s highest actor.

Charlie refers to his two live-in blonde girlfriends, the former nanny and the porn star as “the goddesses,” and even compared himself to a god. Clearly he’s just confusing the word “immortal” with “immoral.”

Meanwhile, the goddesses say they don’t mind sharing him, and more importantly, his money.

Maybe Charlie is suffering from delusions of grandeur. He referred to himself as a god. This could just be an extension of wanting a higher position than his father, who used to be the president.

As the most obvious proof that Charlie has lost touch with reality, he described Two and a Half Men as “good television.”

He is demanding an apology and a raise from CBS. Furthermore, he wants to be paid in crack.

Some people are saying it was an anti-Semitic reference when he called Two and a Half Men creator/producer Chuck Lorre by the Hebrew name Chaim Levine. This just goes to prove, what’s the point of going to AA, if your sponsor is going to be Mel Gibson?

Charlie’s publicist quit on Monday, releasing a public statement that Charlie’s behavior caused him to have an allergic reaction.

Charlie says it’s lonely at the top, but he like the view. At least, that’s what he says when he’s having sex with the goddesses.

In a related story, not that anyone cares, Jon Cryer seems to be perfectly healthy.

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