Monday, November 29, 2010

“Sun Times”

A woman named Angeles Duran from Spain is claiming to own the sun and has registered it as her personal property through a notary public. Anyone wishing to dispute her ownership rights will have to apply sun block.

Duran is making herself a target. Now anyone who gets a sun burn can sue her.

Ms. Duran says she plans to charge a fee to everyone using the sun. Her claim has already sparked outrage over vampires getting special treatment.

Those who refuse to pay her fee will have to stay in the shade.

If you get behind on your payments, she will cover the sun with her hand.

The sun plans to sue for emancipation.

Some say her claim is the boldest ever made, and others are waiting to see if anything can eclipse it.

Most of the world should be greatly concerned about this, but at the North Pole they only give half a care.

All citizens of Earth are encouraged to forward their air-conditioning bills to Ms. Angeles Duran at her home address in Salvaterra do Mino, Gallicia, Spain.

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