Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Potty Humor

The International Space Station has reported that there is a malfunction with their one working toilet. Houston, we have a problem.

The problems associated with this are obvious. There are no bushes in space.

The crew was using the Soyuz capsule’s toilet, but now Soyuz new policy says you have to be a paying customer to use their bathroom.

The cosmonauts onboard the station will use a jury-rigged system until either the Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off to rendezvous with them, or until the cosmonauts blast off, themselves.

After Discovery launches, it will have to be especially careful not to cross through any orbiting object’s slipstream.

A toxicology report released with the autopsy of the teenager attacked and killed by a tiger at The San Francisco Zoo in December, says that he had marijuana and alcohol in his system at the time. The teenager, not the tiger.

Substance abuse experts have long stated that pot is a gateway drug to tiger mauling deaths.

A teen alcohol abuse program has quickly adopted the new slogan: “Don’t drink, or you’ll be killed by a tiger.”

The New York City club scene is seeing a new form of “drug” use: young men are rubbing Preperation H hemorrhoid ointment onto their torsos to “shink” areas of skin to look slimmer or more fit. Those wearing it on their bodies, however, mostly just looked like assholes.

According to a New York nightclub blogger, this new trend for the over-the-counter and under-the-chassis medication is becoming more popular. The burning question is, “Does it really work?” Regular Preparation H users don’t care about the question; only the burning.

The investigation of this new fad, a far cry from normal use of relieving the pain and itch of hemorrhoids, was first reported by ABC News.com, who have just begun to scratch the surface.

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