Friday, October 29, 2010

“Deep, Deep Trouble”

Haliburton admitted Thursday that they skipped performing a critical test on the cement mix used to seal the BP oil well before it blew out, causing the Gulf spill disaster. Since the spill happened, Haliburton executives have spent much time congratulating each other on the high level of evil they have achieved.

Said a Haliburton rep, “Buwa Ha Ha Ha Ha hHa Ha…”

Haliburton’s admission only came following a Chevron test proving the cement mix was unstable. However, BP had ignored Haliburton’s recommendation to use more centralizers to aid in cement bonding. Both Halibuton and BP should have known what was needed to stabilize the under-sea well, 3 miles down, since both entities come from the depths of Hell.

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