Monday, May 7, 2012

“Fat Cat”

Meow, a cat who became famous because of his enormous weight, has died at the age of 2 years.  He weighs 39 lbs.  Not wanting to say he died from obesity complications, his owners are using the euphemism, “Marlon Brando Syndrome.”

The cat's owners were in denial about his health problems.  They thought he was purring when it was really a heart murmur.

Instead of milk, he'd drink a saucer of Haagen Daz.

Meow had always been the fattest of his litter, and didn’t have the healthiest habits.  For example, he really put on a lot of extra weight when he tried to quit smoking.

He was really heavy.  You know that saying “A cat always lands on its feet?”  His feet hated him for that.

He was so fat, a dog once bit him and contracted diabetes.

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