Friday, February 5, 2010

“Minor Incident”

A 12-year-old New York City girl was hand-cuffed and arrested by police for writing on her school desk with an erasable marker. School administrators admit they are tough on vandalism and even tougher on penmanship.

Had the girl used a permanent marker, she would have been executed.

The marker incident will go down on the student’s erasable record.

The school says that the arrest is less about an isolated incidence of graffiti, and more about persistent sloppy spelling.

The girl’s lawyer is trying to reduce charges to possession on a crayon.

The police think the smiley face the girl drew is a gang symbol.

The school claims the marker was a weapon. They quoted, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

After her arrest and detention at the police station, the girl will no longer be marking desks at school. She’s moving up to courtyard tattoos.

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