Friday, April 27, 2012

“Cairo Calls for Corpse Coitus”

The Egyptian parliament has introduced a law allowing men to have sex with their dead wives for up to six hours after death.  The parliament sponsor calls it "The ultimate break-up sex."

Strongly objecting to the proposed law: ghosts.

Also not thrilled with this law: horny, living women.

This new law gives a whole new, creepy meaning to the observation, "Nice body."

In a related story, coroners are reminded to always wear rubber gloves.

Unfortunately, one of the grim side effects of the new law is that marital murder-suicide cases will now often become marital murder-the sex-then suicide cases.

Egypt's bumper sticker industry has already responded with the the message "If this coffin's rockin', don't bother knockin'."

The idea is based on the ancient Egyptian love fable of a dead queen and her lover, “The legend of NecroTiti.”

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