Tuesday, September 4, 2007

From Today's news: Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2007

Jerry Lewis issued an apology today, for letting slip an anti-gay epithet during his annual MDA Telethon. He said in his apology that he made a bad choice of words, and he’s never known a gay man who wasn’t a ni-iice la-a-dy.

The telethon raised a record $63 million to fight muscular dystrophy and help Jerry’s Kids. Or, as he calls them, Jerry’s Straight Kids.

I think we have to forgive Jerry Lewis. Remember, he’s cherished and admired in France. What could be more gay than that?

Spiderman star Tobey Maguire married his long-time girlfriend yesterday. I guess Spidey’s swinging days are over.

If you want to know how wild their honeymoon is going, I hear they are all over the web.

Mattel has announced more recalls of toys produced in China. Collectors are ecstatic. The harder these toys are to get, the more valuable they will be.

The new batch of recalled toys includes lead-tainted Barbie Accessories. Items containing lead, if sucked on or swallowed, can cause serious damage. Barbie can tell you. It’s why Ken has no genitals.

This is another costly blow to Mattel. It’s getting pretty bad. In fact, today Barbie sold her Malibu mansion and is now living in her purple Mustang GT convertible.

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