Friday, August 21, 2009

“Bare Air”

On Thursday, a man aboard a flight from Oakland to Las Vegas stripped naked after the plane took off, causing the plane to quickly turn around and land back in Oakland. The plane’s landing gear dropped only moments after the passenger’s did.

Is that what it takes to get a flight attendant to give you a blanket nowadays?

Getting naked on a plane full of strangers? Come on, buddy, the friendly skies aren’t THAT friendly.

Crew members took one look at him and told him he should have gate checked his bags.

Even worse, as the man sat in his seat, it became apparent that he was locked into his fully upright position.

The man had to be subdued to keep him from wandering around the plane after he hit one passenger. Luckily, they were able to stow him in the overhead bin.

The flight crew quickly moved him from First Class to the No Class section.

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