Friday, June 3, 2011

“Cheating on the Country” or “Adultery: Making a Federal Case out of It”

Former Senator John Edwards was indicted today on charges that campaign money was used to cover up his extramarital affair during the 2008 election.  Edwards insists that besides abandoning his wife while she battled cancer, having the affair, getting his mistress pregnant, denying he was the father, and hiding the baby, he’s done nothing wrong.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were allegedly kept mistress Reille Hunter and her baby hidden.  Secret checks sometimes came in boxes of chocolate.  Then Edwards had a real moral dilemma: give the chocolates to his wife or his mistress?

Appropriately, the chocolate was bitter-sweet.

The Indictment of John Edwards is also a reminder of fake TV psychic John Edward, from ‘Crossing Over,” who, after the former senator’s scandal, now appears to be the lesser of the two douches.

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