Monday, September 13, 2010

"The Eyes Have It"
The Department of Homeland Security plans to begin testing eye scanners that will match images of a person’s iris to a database, a quicker ID method than fingerprints. Also, because the machines only need to scan the iris instead of the retina, Arizona can start using them to profile brown-eyed people.

The scanners will help spot terror suspects in the blink of an eye.

The scans will also make it harder for terror suspects to reach their contacts.

Those who try to disguise their eyes’ natural appearance may be subject to many lashes.

The financial world may benefit from these machines as a means to prevent fraud and identity theft. Merchants would just need to ask for a customer’s eye-D.

The Americna Civil lLiberities Union says these scanners could violate a person’s privacy, if they can track anyone without their knowledge. The possibility is eye-opening.

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