Friday, September 11, 2009

“Where There’s a Wilson, There’s a Way”

Rep. Joe Wilson’s interuption during President Obama’s address to Congress is fueling a backlash. For instance, Vice President Joe Biden said Wilson’s outburst demeaned the institution of the presidency, as he lay on the floor growling with a piece of raw meet in his teeth.

Wilson has raised $500,000 in campaign contributions from Republican supporters since the incident. He’s even changed his campaign slogan to, “You Lie!”

Wilson apologized after the outburst, but based on the cash flow towards his reelection, his whole new political strategy will now be outburst, apology, outburst, apology.

Critics question whether Wilson was genuinely sorry for calling the president a liar, since his apology came with a pair of trousers meant to replace the president’s pants-on-fire.

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