Wednesday, May 18, 2011

“Small Misunderstanding”

Starbucks is being sued after an El Paso location fired a barista because she is a dwarf.  Sad to see that another job hasn't worked out for Katie Couric.

The woman filed her lawsuit in Small Dames' Court.

The woman was really fired because she was making all of the drinks with half shots, half powder, half & half...

Starbucks said they had to let her go, since she's go off every time someone ordered a 'Tall.'

The Starbucks manager explained, “There was no discrimination here.  We had to fire her, because every day she worked, the register was short.  So that's what I told her, every day.  'You're short.  Really short… Plus, you're a midget.'”

In light of the lawsuit, Starbucks says that the woman is just blowing everything slightly out of proportion.

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