Friday, August 17, 2007

From Today's news: Friday, Aug. 17, 2007

A Canadian mother gave birth to identical quadruplet girls, it was reported yesterday. No fertility drugs were used by the parents to conceive. And I don’t think they are going to start now.

Four identical baby girls. In your face, Olsen twins!

The National Snow and Ice Data Center reported that sea ice in the Arctic is at it’s lowest level on record, ever. I heard about this and I was shocked. There’s a National Snow and Ice Data Center???

The center is based in Colorado, which makes sense. That’s where most of the national snow and ice is.

My first question about their Arctic findings is, what the hell were they doing there? The Arctic isn’t even part of the nation!

And to all the environmentalists who have been warning about global warming causing a water shortage, here’s the proof that you were wrong. All that melted snow and ice is now water. So bring back the aerosol cans and factory smoke stacks!

On a more serious note, the melting does cause a major chain reaction of events with far reaching consequences. For example, it could be disastrous to the ice fishing industry.

Britney Spears is on the cover of the new Allure magazine out Tuesday, but she stood up the interviewer for the written piece 4 times. So in the issue, you will see a glamorous image on the outside, and nothing at all on the inside. At last, the world will understand her.

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